A day in the life!

I climb out of bed, creep out of the room - having sorted out all my clothes the night before I dress in my running clothes including my Running Sweden T-shirt and Jacket.
I sort out Sofia with lunch, then go and wake her to come and have breakfast! We sit, she eats, I chat and then once the clock reads 730am we get in the car and I drop her at school.
I arrive at Running Sweden headquarters, after stopping at the store to get my own breakfast - the door to our office is open and I am greated with a happy kram and a wonderful smile. I say to myself - "I love my work!"
We talk about deadlines, people to call, clothes to print for the Marathon Challenge people (the clothes once printed are going to look so great!), we design a better way to do things and have a good brainstorming session, time is kl1100
kl1115 I and Malin are changed and running to start my first run of the day - Friday's Running Sweden's Lunch Run (free for anyone who wants to join), kl1130 we meet 2 Marathon Challenge runners, the snow is falling hard - the sight is beautiful, 45 light running minutes later we are back where we started, say goodbye to our runners and then head back to headquarters.
kl1230-1530 time is flying by, I organise a document for the NasdaqOMX relay we are organising for May 12 next year, fix some personal training times for various clients, write more emails and text messages to my very own selection of people I am coaching, have I written that "I love my work"
I look at my watch - kl1600, time for my second run of the day - I am a little nervous for this one. A wonderful couple after 5 years of marriage, wanted to do something different on their anniversary - so they hired us to do a hard training with them. Cool, I meet them, hagaparken is perfect, romantic covered in ice and snow with lights of Stockholm city reflecting off of Brunnsviken. I run the wonderful couple to the top of the hill by the copper tents, where a smiling face awaits them in his Green Running Sweden Jacket, with Glasses + champagne + chocolates. We sit - drink, take in the moment and then run them further. An hour later we are back at Planet Fitness, tipsy from the drinking or is it the beauty of the job I love. Think it is the first. I put the couple through some fun pair strength exercises, stretching too - oh to be young and in love again. I finish the training with them, leaving them to take their fresh blueberry smoothies and the chocolates to the Jacuzzi for a nice soak.
Time reads kl1737, I say a quick hello to the Single joggers who are off on their run - a nice run in the hope of finding love, doing the thing we love so much. But can not think too long as my third training session of the day starts at kl1800. Running Sweden's premiar of our treadmil class. Treadmils are packed, I slide in next to the wonderful muscle bound Erik, and the ever beautiful smilling Alexandra and we do our 10 minutes warm up.

I am on my way home, while walking out I see Rubin, running his workout on the treadmil after his long day too. I get in my car - thinking about our day, our cool Club Running Sweden, and Marathon Challenge training tomorrow and Sunday - and realise that "the future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams!"
My name is Catti! I can say that I dreamed, and my future is now - doing one of the greatest jobs in the world.
You can just see that I love my Job.
Catti, you bring happiness to all of our days and are simply are the true meaning of "Run Happy"
Rubin McRae